Phase 2 - Empathy map

The post publishes the empathy map of each user.

User 1 (Student)

Think and feel:
How can I gather more coins?
How can I plan to maintain my daily life needs?
I want to spend my money wisely. Why is the ATM very hard to use?
Are there any clear instructions for me to understand more about the functions?
I have no time to always practice using this ATM.
Lots of friends also face the same situation.
The ways to use an ATM is complicated.
No suitable place to change coins.
The price of mineral water is expensive. 
Other people can use the ATM easily, while some of them struggle to use it.


Lots of friends also face the same situation.

The ways to use an ATM is complicated.

Say & Do:

Some of them try to find businessmen to exchange coins.

Some of them also use the method by letting the seller or shopkeepers to find small changes for them.

Ask friends to guide me using the ATM.

Able to convert money into coins.
Can understand the function of an ATM easily and use all its functions.
Frustrated, financial worries

User 2 (Shopkeeper)

Think and feel:
Do I have enough small notes of money?
What if I do not have money to find changes for the customers?
Where can I exchange big notes for small notes of money?
I do not have much time to rush up and down to exchange notes of money with others.
Customers do not use exact amounts of money to make payment.
Many people are queuing in the bank, it will be hard for me to wait until my turn.
Difficult to find other parties to do exchange of money.
Say & Do: 
I want to find other people to exchange money.
I need to make a call to ask the others.
I want to plan well before doing something.
Ensure enough of small notes of money, can run business without extra worries
Anxiety, more works to be done

User 3 (Food hawker)

Think and feel:
How to top up the money TNG card using an online application?
If I do not have free time to go to the petrol station to top up my TNG card, what machine has provided the TNG card top-up service?
I hope I can spend more time preparing the food for every customer.
Since nowadays lots of people are using TNG cards to shop and buy things, machines that can be used to top up TNG cards have not been established yet.
Older people who are not good at using online applications get in trouble while shopping using TNG cards.
Say & Do:
I need to do some research and see the tutorial before top-up TNG cards using the online application.
Save a lot of time if these kinds of machines which can top-up the TNG cards are built around our city.
Waste a lot of time because we need to go to a petrol station or spend time learning how to use an online application to top-up TNG cards.


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